
Starbucks Barista Basics mobile games

A collection of three mobile games designed and developed for Barista Basics training.



Along with my Sublime Media team, I designed three mobile games to create learner engagement in Starbucks' mobile Barista Basics training. The games reinforce the core curriculum within the Barista Basics training program.


Two major constraints impacted our final design. First, the games needed to run on mobile web browsers. Second, the games needed to be designed with short gameplay length to support the user's ability to play this during work shifts.

To solve for the former constraint, the games were built in Bootstrap using custom HTML. For the second constraints, great care was put into the design phase to ensure that even a two-minute session of play resulted in learner satisfaction.


  • Designed gameplay and game logic through iterative testing

  • Maintained game design documentation for design and development

  • Collaborated with top stakeholders at Starbucks to align project with client goals

  • Wrote copy for tutorial, UI elements, and in-game text